
How I Can Help You.

Dr. Ellis discusses the work of an interventionist and describes the goal of an intervention: to help your loved one recover and to help you out of the chaos and anguish.

Initial Assessment

This is normally the first phone call. There is not a charge for the initial phone consultation.


I will lead you through the entire process of intervention preparation, execution, and follow-up. See The Process of Intervention for an outline of what an intervention entails.


Three follow-up contacts with the intervention team are included in the price of services. I will be available to meet further with the family or the recovering person as needed for an additional cost.

Executive Interventions

Professionals such as doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, lawyers, and business executives are not at all immune to addiction. Often, because of their respected status, the people with whom they work are very reluctant to address concerns. I am available to work with various professional assistance programs to navigate the sensitive matters of confidentiality, assembling key individuals for the intervention, and informing other key members affected by an executive’s treatment.

Presentations to churches and other organizations

People of faith often face a special stigma in matters of addiction. I am available to speak to churches, denominational gatherings, religious conferences, and student organizations to educate people on matters of addiction and faith. I can help people of faith step out of the shadows surrounding addiction and find the healing that so many of them need.

Dr. Terry Ellis | Addiction Intervention Public Speaking
it's Time
to get Well
Dr. Terry Ellis | Addiction Intervention Public Speaking
it's Time
to get Well
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